After months of discovering the various food blogs out there in the world, I finally decided to start my own.
First interesting fact, I never knew food blogs existed until a few months ago! When I discovered this article it definitely blew my mind like nothing I've ever experienced. Finally I found people that loved food just as much as I do!! I was ecstatic beyond belief. I scrambled to read as many food blogs as I could get my hands on. I poured over the flickr accounts of different bloggers. I bookmarked recipes left and right. And then I tried out the recipes from the NY Times Chocolate Chip Cookies to the daunting MACARONS (which I am still very much obsessed with). So like many food bloggers before me, I wanted to share my experiences, recipes, tips, and random bits and pieces of my life.
Second interesting fact, I just graduated from UC Davis with a B.A. in Art History and English. I'll be continuing my studies for an M.A. in SoCal. Even though I'm a native of the L.A. county, I've grown to love this little Cow Town so much! I spent four years here growing up, figuring out what I love, and fully experiencing my first farmers market! My discovery of the Davis Farmers Market is definitely up there with the food blogs, it was amazing! And even more amazing, it's been around for about 30 years!! Anywho, I found my spot for all things fresh, organic, and some produce I've never seen before. My eyes were drawn to the colors and textures of the produce and already made items that were also for sale. Everything from freshly popped kettle corn, gourmet popsicles, ice cold hand crafted applejuice, and of course fruits and veggies galore. I wasn't shy about trying out as many free samples as I could.
Now, how am I supposed to decide what to write about first? My macaron madness? Or my new found love in making bread? Or how about my recent trip to San Francisco ( = eating tour)? I think I'll have to think about this for a bit.
Oh, yeah, those are macarons I made way back in April for Easter. They're filled with lemon buttercream and chocolate ganache. The story behind those will be coming soon!
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